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Toronto Hyppnosis

 Three Things You Must Know Before You Hire a Hypnotist


Number one, if you're gonna spend your hard earned money on a hypnotist like someone at hypnosis Toronto to help you, the first thing you must know is do they have experience? I mean have they been doing this for some time. See I have a secret to tell you and I probably shouldn't tell you this because I could get in trouble with the other hypnotists. But much like the field of fitness that I used to work in also, to become a hypnotherapist, you could essentially become a hypnotherapist much like you can become a personal trainer in a weekend. I know, there isn't many standards at the front of becoming a fitness professional unfortunately or a hypnotherapist. So, technically you could be a hypnotist after one weekend and drop in some expensive money to do that. However, if I'm a soldier who's coming back from a war with perhaps PTSD who's seen my best friend's head blow up next to me and has bullets coming at my head and I've had to fire my gun at random people, am I going to want to work with somebody who's perhaps only had training for a weekend in this art and science of hypnosis? Probably not!


So the first thing I'd ask is that your hypnotist whoever you hire has had at least five years of field research of working one on one with clients, not five years of study or five years of theory but five years minimum of working with people one on one.


The second thing I'd ask if I was to hire a hypnotist or a hypnotherapist is, have they worked with people with my problem? And have they had success with people with my problem? So if you're going to a hypnotist and you want to quit smoking, has that hypnotist had success with helping people quit smoking? If you're going to a hypnotist to lose weight, has that hypnotist had great results in helping people lose weight? Specifically, these are questions you must ask because it's your money, it's your time.


And the third thing you must ask, the third thing you must know before you hire any hypnotist wheather its Toronto hypnosis or someone else is do they have proven results? And this is what I mean. I've been shocked recently by going on a bunch of hypnotists' websites here in Canada and actually across the world and there's a lot of nice words there but there's hardly any testimonials. Now, so I'd ask, "Do they have testimonials of clients that they have worked with on the site?" That's good. That's good but let's face it, it could also be faked as well. I'm not saying that some hypnotists would do that but it can be. But do they have some kind of proof, testimonials of people they've worked with? Written is okay. But I'm after their videos. Do they have videos of clients that they have worked with after the sessions who tell you about their experience with the hypnotist? Do they have those videos? And will they release and show you those videos before you commit to go and seeing them? That's what I'd ask before I was hiring a hypnotist. And so many out there, there isn't even one video of them working successfully with a client. So, I'd do that.


Those are the three things that must be in place if you really want to get a reputable, successful hypnotist with integrity.


I'm going to throw one more in there as a bonus. I did say three things before you hire a hypnotist. Well here's the fourth one. Do you they have video evidence, video proof of actual sessions of actual change work they've done with clients from beginning to end? It's very, very rare to find but if you do you know you're in good hands.


See here at Lukenosis, you'll notice there are tons, and tons, and tons, and tons of testimonials for every kind of problem imaginable and I always capture these continuing. Now, also I produce videos of real people that I work with. So, you can actually see some of the actual work I do from beginning to end. As unorthodox as it may be at times, but you can see with your own eyes the change, the results that people have and the kind of experience by watching it as a third party. And also, I've been doing this for 20 years now as a hypnotist all around the world: the UK, America, South America, and now in Canada.


So please, before you're thinking about hiring a hypnotist...a hypnotherapist, do make sure that number one, they have more than five years of experience, real in the trenches field research one on one. Number two that they have worked and successfully helped clients overcome the problem that you're coming in for. Three, they have testimonies, written okay, but video testimonials of people that they have worked with and you can see with your own eyes that it's real. It's not just the same person in multiple disguises. And the bonus one was four. Do they have proof? Do they have evidence, video of working from beginning to end with a client? So you can see that the client comes in with a problem and you can see they leave without the problem and watch some of the change processes there in video, is that there? Please make sure those things are in place before you actually hire a hypnotist.


I've been Luke Michael Howard Ph.D., Clinical Hypnotist and owner of LUKEnosis Hypnosis Toronto And if you'd like to have your free complimentary phone screening with me about whatever your issue it is, please do give me a call on 613-878-5874 and we can have a discussion on the screen and see if I could help you to overcome your problem. Thank you.

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